Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Interesting Facts About Cystic


The culture of the cult
The outgoing mainly by Germany Liturgical Movement of the 20th Century had the objective that the Mass is celebrated in the form that corresponds to its content. In its implementation it was often reduced to a kind of sacred act. Well, they took them out of this "sleeping beauty". It should not only "read" or by the priest alone should be performed at the altar, but all present "active" which means knowing and attentive to participate. The actuosa participatio had to Pope Pius X. in his motu proprio "Tra le sollecitudine" of 22 11. 1902 calls . Now, this concern has led to various changes in the Meßordnung, especially at the Easter Vigil by Pope Pius XII, the Roman Missal in 1965 by John XXIII. and the Missal of Paul VI. of 1969, referred to as "Pauline Meßordnung.

late sixties dissolved many traditional forms and ways of dealing in all areas of life. The time was experimental and unconventional. We must be grateful that at this time, the resulting and relatively widespread to this day Missal of 1969 failed conservative. It essentially tries to reconstruct the Roman parish liturgy of the 12th Century. The result of this experiment is to evaluate here any more than the attempt itself is crucial that the Missal itself represents only a small part of the changes that actually occurred since 1965/1969 in our churches. The widespread rejection of all traditional forms (eg the high altar, vestments, Latin, liturgical chant, incense, personal retreat of the person behind the priest's office) is on the missal of Paul VI. far out. It often dominates the subjectivity and arbitrariness, the person of the priest is like a show host or presenter, it forwards not only the celebration, but he and others (liturgy groups, teachers, family service circles) even determine the shape and structure, and even its content (reading texts, prayers). That which is in some "offer" Day after day, Sunday after Sunday the faithful, is problematic: many have lost the joy and celebrate with him and stay away from internal or external.

impressions of a layman by the Kar-Easter liturgy us an average parish whose pastor is neither progressive nor conservative:

"Good Friday, 10 April 2009th Präsanktifikatenmesse in a suburban church on the northern edge of the Ruhr. A very simple celebration, this is explained more so. In the Passion may sit comfortably (if the master by the high priests and Pilate, probably a seat was offered). In the passing away of the Lord, however, all but kneel. Remarkably, the singer of the evangelist, as he kneels before his microphone stand - so you can see what is in the church today the most important. Even with the great intercession saves all participatio actuosa: is not kneeling. But the prayers are homemade. To cross-worship is the third time explaining what we do now, even, in great detail what that means. But one saves all the circumstances, such as encryption and revealing. And now the Communion. It is initiated with the statement, now the bread is distributed, which recall the passion of Jesus. "
" Easter Sunday, 12th, and Monday, 13th April 2009. Easter Mass in a suburban church on the northern edge of the Ruhr. Actually, I'm warned not only of Good Friday. But for an old man whom I do not want to leave you alone, this church is best achieved, and on Easter night I had seen elsewhere, a real celebration, so that I can now cope with something. It is actually no more than one experiences in so many other churches, but the daily horrors appear here massaged archetypal. The priest enters, accompanied by ladies and gentlemen in - sometimes quirky - street clothes, then sit behind the altar, versus populum the sides of the priest's seat, and then come forth to editors or communion helper services. The priest goes after moving quickly to the lectern, already considered the community, while still singing a verse of the song for retirement. Then he starts to be welcomed, announced finally that we now start this service "in the name of ... "- Well so is therefore still mentioned as that at it will actually go. The Ordinary is completely replaced by German songs, guess where occasionally a relationship with the displaced vocals. Like to sing with the congregation with the priest, even - "praise of God" above the altar - a verse of the song that represents the Agnus Dei. Before reading the lecturer explained yet what you will hear. During declared on Easter Sunday, the priest at the welcome that you could not say exactly, and the sermon is restricted to a moral speech on Monday is still before the Easter message. Upon conversion of the priest raises the host with only one hand. Embolism from the falls, but speaks to community prayer with the greeting of peace. Even on Sunday, where there are not many in the Church, the communion assistants will be considered. "An extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion may distribute Communion that is only when priests and deacons are missing ... or if the number is so big coming up for Communion faithful that the celebration of Mass itself would be extended too much. However, that is to be understood that a short extension is a totally inadequate basis, according to the circumstances of things and the culture of the place, "wrote Pope John Paul II in Redemptionis Sacramentum (C. VII, 1 [158th]). So if the distribution takes place fifteen minutes five or ten minutes, so it is illegal for lay rescuers to pull approach - and contrary to the meaning of the sacrament, a fortiori, we read in St. Thomas, according to (. s.th. III, q. 83rd, art 3.) In the end, communicates with communion cup, the entourage of the priest and then he himself was the last to end the show after cooler selection, he is not waived, the community the opportunity to announce a "Thank you, also." What could be seen that this was a church service? " [1]

Today there is a new yearning for a worthy Celebration of the liturgy. experienced no coincidence communities and parishes where the liturgy is celebrated objectively and beautiful, very popular.

The new freedom of the old Mass and its consequences

With the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum", Pope Benedict XVI. on 7 July 2007 determined that the fair was not in form, as it was celebrated until 1965 (and, mutatis mutandis, to 1969) of the Roman Church (the "Gregorian Meßordnung referred to) is prohibited was. On the contrary - that "Old Mass" should be celebrated by any priest, and are lawfully requested by the faithful under certain conditions.

This has caused great joy for some, others skepticism or even rejection. I was born in 1968 and baptized, and therefore have the Mass in the Gregorian order not live. I only know of the elderly, which has led to its de facto abolition. I know the problems it may have been, not from personal experience.

I have often seen, such as the elderly, realist and serene Brothers on the subject "Tridentine Mass" in a manner bashers, yes, this form of the Mass, in which they themselves grew up, called and even ordained were, covered with scorn and malice that made me astonished and alienated. Without wishing to be a psychologist, I sensed that here, "sits a bit lower". The abolition of the Gregorian Meßordnung had these brothers probably caused injuries that they had to suppress on the grounds of obedience and of the zeitgeist, as they even approached the task of abolishing the "Old Mass" in the communities and explain the "people", although it einsahen perhaps even in the not deep.

also seems to be generally associated mass in the Gregorian in the order with the emotional closeness of the moral to the 1960s practice of education for the elderly. One is glad those days are over, so we will also take the form of the Mass is not the employee who had celebrated.

Where the old Mass celebrated, relatively many young people come together. And a growing number of participants. The "altrituellen" monasteries in France have so much Feed, that they must regularly establish subsidiary monasteries - with the problematic aspects of these communities can not be discussed here. In any case, Catholics (and not only) that are grown after the reform, the old form more open, often curious and will soon impressed, including me.

addition to her "drama" it seems to fascinate the younger ones that this old form of the Mass has developed in the Latin-rite Roman by origin. It was never created from scratch, but from Pope Gregory the Great in the main been sorted out from the old customs have grown up to its operative fixation by Pope Pius V in 1570 in the whole Church, changed and purified from Second-class until they speak purified in the present and, as Pius V. writes in the introduction , was fixed for all time valid form.

This canonization has certainly prevented further development and vitality - for example, before 1570 there was already quite vernacular elements, which were then pushed back again. The liturgical development was stopped. Now it seems about time to let them come back in motion without the "valid for all time" to disclose or make the shape of the 1969 contempt. The experience since the introduction of the Missal of Paul VI. here are fertile, since they are grown from the authentic prayer of the Church, sanctified by it and therefore just as "valid", worthy and legitimate. In this process, we are just at the beginning.

Normally I celebrate Mass in the new, Paul's policy, once a month in the old Gregorian. And I must say with all love for her that I not only wanted to celebrate. Above all, the vernacular seems to me for the normal case of liturgy celebrant and the faithful be of great profit.

But I have seen how the celebration of the two forms influence each other positively. Here we are at the bottom, highlighted by the Pope for his decision. It is also the reason for the formation of these Zelebrationsschule.

The new quest for objectivity

middle of the Second World War, he published "rites and rubrics of the Mass" by William Lurz. It explains how other Zelebrationsschulen this time, the Gregorian Meßordnung for priests, deacons, lectors and altar servers, so to speak centimeter. Nothing is left out. Anyone who takes this tendency to pedantry and compulsiveness plant in the hand, might ask: Did you at that time no other worries?

Today we have just such concerns: the liturgy of the Mass has been placed in the "wild years" under the motto "authentic", the priest should celebrate the only way, as (to) suits him. How to walk, how to stand, how to hold hands - everything was up to the discretion of the Celebrant asked if that was not always covered by the new, much more economical sections of the Missal of 1970/75.

comes recently in the younger priests on the need for new objectivity. They want to know how "man" does it make if one wants it "right". But much of the ancient liturgical culture is forgotten. And many liturgical style to good priest tried not know, for example, how to properly incenses.

Not only because Pope Benedict is a cross-fertilization of the two Meßordnungen the Roman Church desires is a glimpse of the old categories and also in the "Lurz" sense: The knowledge of the tradition the celebrant makes the handling safe and with the renewed forms.

In this sense, simply an attempt to give some advice to a Zelebrationsweise that strives for personal restraint and objectivity. That which is not regulated by the Pauline order of the Fair, is developed from the rules of the Gregorian. In the points where an enrichment of the Pauline Ordo shines through the Gregorian possible and particularly obvious, is drawn to the traditional form.

The following describes in detail the sequence of the Mass - especially with regard to the officiating priest. Other persons and functions are mentioned only in passing. Are based on the rubrics of the Missal of Paul VI. in the editio typica of 1975.

[1] http://www.dasabendland.de/chronica/liturg2.htm st_jos_2 # 25 April 2009


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