The mix including from synthesizers, guitar, saxophone and tuba guaranteed catchy melodies and not far removed from jazz. However, are the songs on The Bell artistic music that's fun. This is no stiff batting without expression, but all the bouncing joyfully to the beat. The combination of quiet and a bit wilder pieces comes over quite well. And then there's the cute voice Roxenholts. It underlines this thoroughly honest album.
Anyone who wanders dreamily through the world has another way to get to the matching soundtrack. Even with reduced sounds are those texts as Carve Out My Heart to light: "So we ended our love when the trees turned yellow - the street was filled with colorful leaves - but you lingered in me like an Indian summer - when all I longed for what winter and cold. "
An all around musically well thought out and elaborate album, with lots of great tools and texts in which they love to be lost. Since one can only hope that in the next release of the German public does not have to wait too long. There
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