special requests.
past - then - once on the Super Constellation/DC-10/Tante Ju: Yes, those were golden times. There have been catering in abundance and woe to him who had done it at the gate the pockets and neck with chocolate and fruit fully. On board was waiting for the gourmet paradise and held for every taste.
Well, by now should have become common knowledge that 99% of all Airlines save on food and are just about as Anke Engelke once to serve in one of her legendary sketches only cat pee or lukewarm instant coffee. Still want some PAXs the truth in the face and go see it for granted that we can implement just about every nutrition plan individually. What is a risky expectation for a ham or cheese selection. represented here are particularly common with allergies, "Have you anything without Egg / Lactose / sunflower seeds / flour / butter I war 'else' nen attack?." I the war now, my logs sensitized to complicated PAXs jet radar. I these candidates, then press a fundamentally Glass of water in hand and prepare them carefully prior to starvation, they will suffer on board.
I still mysterious, food philosophy which this man was recently:
Me: "Would you like a sandwich?"
(There was just cheese. And sure enough, the selection of "ham and cheese", there are now no longer anywhere. Actually, I would even now rename the blog, but given the current progress of the saving measures, I prefer to wait a bit and rename it then immediately in order to )
Pax "A TicTac for you?": ".. Yes, please"
I push over the sandwich. Pax is looking at it critically.
Pax: "But I want a vegetarian sandwich."
Me: "That's cheese."
Pax (outraged) : "I can not eat cheese, I'm a vegetarian!"
Well then just non stop. Perhaps the good thought indeed "vegan" instead of "vegetarian". But a vegan cardboard sandwich on board? Preferably with Zwergenwiese eco-ten-string-herb and parsley fresh from the galley window sill garden? Ts